The SIY Program Developed at Google

Bring the world famous Google-born mindfulness, emotional intelligence, and leadership training called Search Inside Yourself to your organization.
This intensive two-day in-person or 6-module online neuroscience-based mindful leadership program developed by leading experts in neuroscience, business, and psychology delivers a carefully crafted and engaging balance between scientific theory and hands-on practices (from neuroscience and psychology to management, and attention training and emotional regulation to communication).

Among many other things, you will learn how to gain focusregulate stressprevent burnoutmanage emotionsuse empathy in teamshave difficult conversationsdevelop psychological safety.
These trainings have been shown to reduce stress, improve focus, raise peak performance, and improve interpersonal relationships.

The program will be facilitated by our lead coach Marko Lepik.
He has helped individuals and teams in different sectors get better and achieve goals in Canada, Sweden, Oman, Serbia, Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia, India, Thailand, Belarus, Finland and the US.
Depending on the size and profile of your team, he will be accompanied by a SIY-trained colleague from the UK, US, Sweden, Finland, South Africa, or Germany.
Introductory 2h SIY Workshop
We invite your teams to try out basic self-awarness and communication practices, whilst keeping the context grounded in science-based theories from research.
This 1.5 to 2 hour keynote-style workshop on how to develop the skill of emotional intelligence expected of modern leaders is specifically tailored to suit a rationally minded audience at a high risk of burnout. This may mean anyone from engineers, startup teams, lawyers and investment bankers to C-level leaders.
We have delivered variations of this kind of interactive introduction to audiences ranging from 8 to 500 with equal success.
This workshop is facilitated by our lead coach Marko Lepik.
now finishing up schedules for Q2 and Q3 of 2024!

Adaptive Resilience
Foundational tools and practices to work more skillfully with difficult emotions, uncertainty and change, leading to increased team performance and well-being.
This program from the SIY Leadership Institute, San Francisco, helps to build the behaviors, mental habits, and practices that promote personal resilience while growing a resilient culture within teams and organizations.
This 3-part series is available for in-person delivery or as a live online training. Sessions are structured into three 2.5 hour modules that offer simple, practical, and applied tools for building resilience and thriving especially in challenging times or environments.
Learning tools to manage stress and overwhelm, while staying motivated and focused in difficult and uncertain times.
Growing mindsets and skills for adaptability and creativity in a Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous World.
Creating a change-capable culture by growing empathy, trust, and psychological safety in your team and organization.
Team Coaching & Team Facilitation
We support your team in winning goal setting, strategic planning, organizational change, values and culture alignment, public speaking, and team building challenges.
Teams benefit from a mixture of the classical GROW coaching model and modern workplace-fit self-awareness and mindfulness techniques to boost the team’s emotional skills in the process.
Such off-sites, focused on solving challenges while simultaneously developing empathy and psychological safety to achieve the goals more effectively, last two full days in an ideal world. Under special circumstances we can sometimes squeeze into tighter timeframes as well.
We are currently working with people in the US, Estonia, Lithuania, Serbia and Oman.