GenosⓇ Emotional Culture Index
Do you
how your people
are feeling right now?
The ECI Measures 3 Dimensions
of Emotions at Work

Current Emotions
How often your people experience certain feelings at work
Expected Emotions
How often your people think it’s fair and reasonable to experience these feelings at work given the nature and context of your workplace
Ideal Emotions
How often your people think they should ideally experience these feelings in your workplace in order to be effective
So What?
According to research, people in high performing organisations experience fewer negative emotions and more positive emotions than those in low performing organisations. (Boedker et al. 2011)

We experience a range of pleasant and unpleasant feelings at work as we interact with colleagues, customers and others. These influence our decisions, behaviour and performance.
Pleasant emotions have a ‘broaden and build’ effect causing us to think more broadly, engage more deeply and perform better.
Unpleasant ones tend to have a ‘narrowing and limiting’ effect, causing us to be more closed-minded, less engaging and poorer at performing.
Collectively, these emotions impact the bottom line for better or worse.
GenosⓇ EI Assessments
The Genos EI Inventory was designed with
workplaces and HR professionals in mind.
Underpinned by a wealth of peer-reviewed research, Genos EI is used by a wide variety of Fortune 500 multinational companies every day.
It shows how well we demonstrate emotionally intelligent workplace behaviour. It does this by asking those who work with us daily.

Established at Swinburne University in 2002, Genos is a leading emotional intelligence provider with one of the widest range of evidence-based EI assessments on the market.
Key EI Competencies
The competencies of the Genos EI model represent skills and behaviours that are measurable, observable, and predict performance.
For Employees
Assess and Improve Emotional Intelligence
Workplace Behaviour Self Report
This individual assessment report presents how well an individual believes they demonstrate emotionally intelligent workplace behaviour, and how important they believe it is to do so.
Contains: Self-Assessment Results

Workplace Behaviour 180° Feedback Report
This report presents how well an individual demonstrates emotionally intelligent workplace behaviour, how important it is to colleagues that they do so, and qualitative comments from raters.
Contains: Feedback from Colleagues
Optional: Self-Assessment
Workplace Behaviour 360° Feedback Report
This report presents how well an individual demonstrates emotionally intelligent workplace behaviour, how important it is to colleagues that they do so, and qualitative comments from raters. Participants may categorise groups of raters by manager, peer, and other.
Contains: Self-Assessment Results & Feedback from Multiple Rater Levels

For Leadership
Develop Emotional Intelligence in Leadership
Leadership Self Report
This report presents the results of a self-assessment for an individual and that reflects how well they demonstrate certain leadership behaviours in the workplace.
Contains: Self-Assessment Results

180° Leadership Feedback Report
This report presents the results of a leadership survey for an individual that reflects how well they are observed to demonstrate certain leadership behaviours in the workplace.
Contains: Feedback from Direct Reports
Optional: Self-Assessment
360° Leadership Feedback Report
This report presents the results of a leadership survey for an individual and reflects how well they are observed to demonstrate certain leadership behaviours in the workplace. Feedback is gathered from a selection of raters in categories of manager, peer, and other.
Contains: Self-Assessment Results & Feedback from Multiple Rater Levels

For Sales
Transform Buyer Experience
Sales Self Report
The EI Sales Behaviour Self Report presents how well an individual believes they demonstrate emotionally intelligent sales behaviour, and how important they believe it is to do so.
Contains: Self-Assessment Results

180° Sales Assessment
180° EI Sales Behaviour Feedback Report presents how well an individual demonstrates emotionally intelligent sales behaviour, how important it is to colleagues that they do so, and qualitative comments from raters.
Contains: Feedback from Colleagues and Customers.
360° Sales Assessment
The 360° EI Sales Behaviour Feedback Report presents how well an individual demonstrates emotionally intelligent sales behaviour, how important it is to colleagues that they do so, and qualitative comments from raters. Customisable rater categories are used to suit the vernacular your people are familiar with, including customers.
Contains: Self-Assessment Results & Feedback from Multiple Rater Categories including Customers

For Recruitment
Hire Emotionally Competent Staff
EI Selection Report
The Genos Emotional Intelligence Selection Report is the best measure of how often a candidate demonstrates emotional intelligence in the workplace. The report allows hiring managers to utilize EI measures as an additional means to making the best possible hiring decisions.
Contains: The Genos Emotional Intelligence Selection Report
- Candidates complete The Genos EI Selection assessment online
- Results are immediately available for the organization
- It takes 15 minutes on average (candidates are given 30 minutes)
- Results are presented a readily accessible format with recommended interview questions and interview evaluation guides
- Includes sophisticated measures of distortion, inflation and inconsistency, and adjusts EI scores accordingly to ensure meaningful results
- The secure assessment platform is easy to use
- Extensive research and validation