Attention is
a Limited Resource.

1. Free Your Focus
We always notice the external noise. Seldom the internal.
Learn to disengage from habitual mental chatter to free up resources for valued action.

2. Train Your Mind
Use these resources to cultivate new habits via mindfulness exercises.
Neuroplasticity allows our brains to rewire & tone neglected ‘mental muscles’.

3. Live Unautomated
As your skill increases, you will be able to choose your responses to stimuli.
In time, this can give you an edge in any activity & provide peace of mind on demand.
Mindful Teams Flourish. They
Think Communicate Argue Decide
Problem – Attention Overload
In 2005, the Harvard Business Review ran an article on how overloaded attention circuits cause smart people to underperform at work.
In 2010, Science Magazine published the findings of Harvard researchers Killingsworth & Gilbert who found that our minds wander some 47% of the time. This has been correlated with being unhappy.
Solution – Skills Training
The skill of paying attention can be honed using mindfulness training.
The software giant SAP has calculated a 200% return on investment (ROI) on their 6 years of mindfulness programs, with the workshops leading to a rise in employee engagement, a fall in absenteeism and an increased leadership trust index.

on their mindfulness initiatives
Research &

Neuroplasticity Means Your Brain Can Change via Training
Companies Investing in
Mindfulness & Emotional Intelligence

Our Minds
Forged through Practice.
Backed by Knowledge.
Advisory Board

Marko Lepik,
MA & MSc
Founder & Coaching Lead
Marko is an SIY Certified Facilitator with SIY Global, San Francisco – the NGO set up to meet the outside demand for the Mindfulness-Based Emotional Intelligence program called SIY born at Google. The format brings emotional intelligence and resilience skills to the workplace in a modern, succinct and evidence-based format that draws from modern neuroscience, psychology and mindfulness research.
Two of his main driving interest include exploring how to reconcile the slow, evidence-based rigor of academic psychology with the demand for quick, easily applicable solutions and simplified insights often sought in pop psychology, and translating obscure concepts from Oriental thought into the secular language of Western psychology, separating fact from belief.
“Marko has devoted the past 14 years to studying and immersing himself in both modern Western evidence-based and traditional Eastern approaches to attention training. Its Buddhist origins have served as an inspiration for parts of modern affective neuroscience research & many core mindfulness techniques and third wave CBT therapies.
Before dedicating himself to people-centric leadership and self-management skills development programs, Marko worked in managerial positions in the public and NGO sectors.
After leaving these roles, he spent 13 years running a boutique organizational development and marcom consultancy while also studying intensively in South-East Asia.
His diverse experience and practical knowledge have equipped him to assist organizations in addressing modern workplace challenges, such as absenteeism, burnout, churn, and low employee satisfaction and engagement, which can impact the bottom line. He provides training in people & emotional skills, fostering a culture of psychological safety, and works to influence organizational culture in targeted ways.
Advisory Board

Andero Uusberg,
PhD, Prof.
Advisory Board
Andero conducts experimental and conceptual research on how emotions are generated and how they can be regulated.
Please refer to one of his peer-reviewed publications titled How Can Emotions Be Regulated?

Andero tracks emotions in the body and the brain using objective psychophysiological measures and electrical neuroimaging (EEG).
Please refer to another of his peer-reviewed papers on the topic: Mechanisms of mindfulness: The dynamics of affective adaptation during open monitoring
Here at Affectual, we base our approaces to attention training on the findings of modern psychology and neuroscience. We respect the depth of cultural traditions but prefer evidence for our work.
Where applicable, we use data to improve our curricula.
Marrying experience from public, private, and academic sectors with deep knowledge of affective neuroscience positions Dr Uusberg uniquely to provide scalable translations from modern research to everyday needs of various types of organizations.

Ringa Raudla,
PhD, Prof.
Advisory Board
In her teaching and research, Ringa has always sought to integrate in an interdisciplinary way the insights of economics, management, and psychology. She has always been skeptical of oversimplified notions of human behavior and drawn on most recent developments in psychology and neuroscience to better understand and explain thinking and acting in various settings.
For the past 5 years, Ringa has worked as Professor of Public Finance and Governance at Ragnar Nurkse Department of Innovation and Governance. She teaches courses on research methods, public finance, strategic and financial management, and doctoral courses in the department.
She is the director of PhD programme in Public Administration

Prof. Raudla supports Affectual by helping us connect rigorous scientific ways of looking at and thinking about information and methodology with down-to-earth techniques aimed at enhancing personal cognitive fitness in complex workplace settings.